Uncle David as he will always be known to me, is the kind of person its hard to sum up. So many stories and funny times it's hard to pick. I will always remember his gleeful smile when he asked us to dress smart and meet him outside Ann Summers on Princes Street. This is where he introduced us to the delights of fine dining, bizarre place names I didn't always get, crusty mustard, drinking way too much, art history critiquing and hanging out on 'our' balcony as we immersed ourselves in the 49Club. Just one of many slightly odd and always hilarious adventures we had the absolute pleasure to be invited along to.
Uncle David had to be held back by Auntie Gill, Fran and Gav on the day our daughter was born. The arrived to see us later on that day at hospital, everyone apologizing for calling in unannounced, everyone but Uncle David who was unapologetically delighted and so excited to see us. He gave Connie a purple octopus he said he had picked. His enthusiasm and joy was so lovely and we very much appreciated their visit. It remains one of our happiest memories of that time.
The week our twins were to be born he emailed me on the Monday, he was due more treatment and so wasnt sure if he'd be up to contacting me nearer their due date. Even at a time he was going through so much he reached out. Told me how much he was looking forward to meeting them and said such kind words. Usually his emails were forwarded on spam which he had sifted through for puns and jokes. I miss those emails. Im so glad we got the chance to have newly extended family days with Nola, Toby and Will last year.
We have such fond memories of the family days we had together. He was my godfather though lacking in spiritual guidance he was always there with advice on sustainable fashion when i needed it.
We will always be so grateful for his support, generosity and love. We miss you Uncle David,
All our love, Jen, Tom, Connie, Toby and Will